Available to individuals in our Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) or as a stand-alone program.
We are able to provide Alcohol & Substance Abuse Assessments, Early Intervention, Outpatient Treatment, Intensive Outpatient, Early Intervention DWI Education (12 hours groups) and After Care Groups.
We are able to provide alcohol and substance abuse assessment. Pending on the results determines if an individual can is eligible for early intervention 12 hours Alcohol Education Program (AEP) or Substance Abuse Alcohol Education Program (SAAEP).

Early Interventions
- DUI/DWI (12-hour Alcohol Education Program) is a (6) two-hour session for individuals who encourage from the court system to complete a DWI/DUI (AEP). Our program is licensed through OHCQ and BBH. Upon completion, individuals are given a certificate of completion.
- Substance Abuse Alcohol Education Program (SAAEP) is for self-referral, SAP referral (providers) and Employers who have identified and individuals with being under the influence while performing work duties and as a part of intervention provided by employer, has determine for individual to receive alcohol/ drug assessment and necessary recommendation for either early intervention or 26 week substance abuse treatment in the form of individual therapy and outpatient group therapy.

Outpatient Services
- Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment is a 26-week treatment modality that incorporates both group and individual session 2 times a week (90-120 min) onsite at our office to aide individual with substance abuse education, prevention, intervention, relapse maintenance, emotional management, recovery management and etc.
- Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment is a 26 week treatment modality that incorporates both groups and individual sessions 3-4 x a week for (3 hours per session) onsite at our office to aid individuals with substance abuse education, prevention, intervention, relapse maintenance, emotional management, recovery management, anger management, reuniting families, spirituality and etc.
ROCACP uses the complete Living In Balance Curriculum to aide our participant to moving from a life of addiction to living life to their Optimal Ability Alleviating Challenges!
We understand that challenges may arise when trying to participate actively in Substance Abuse Treatment. Transportation may be one of those challenges. ROCACP would like to alleviate any challenges to participants arriving on time and actively participating in services. ROCACP will provide transportation for ALL participant of the Substance Abuse Treatment program.