Behavior Health Solutions

Outpatient Mental Health Clinic (OMHC)

Outpatient Mental Health Clinic (OMHC)

For Children, Youth & Adults

A full-service clinic that provides home-based, school-based and onsite individual, family and group therapy for youth ages 5-17 and adults ages 18-55.

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP) - For Children, Youth & Adults

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program (PRP)

For Children, Youth & Adults

Helping people who are in active therapy with a licensed clinician and meets the eligibility requirements for rehabilitative, recovery and support services.

Reclaiming Our Children And Community Project, Inc. - motivate and assist children, youth and adults who exist in impoverished situations to develop positive, healthy life skills and social skills in order to reclaim life.

Substance Abuse Programs

For Youth & Adults

We are able to provide Alcohol & Substance Abuse Assessments, Early Intervention, Outpatient Treatment, Intensive Outpatient, Early Intervention DWI Education (12 hours groups) and After Care Groups.

Other Programs

School-Based Mentoring

School-Based Mentoring

For Children & Youth

ROCACP believe all school setting should be conducive to learning but sometimes the social-emotional health of our youth presents a barrier to our children learning.

Workforce Development For Adults

Workforce Development

For Adults

Designed to help men and women successfully make the transition into the community and the world of work. In addition to workforce development ROCACP have a social enterprise where participants can get hands-on training along with a paid stipend.

Anger Management

Anger Management Treatment

For Youth & Adults

Cognitive behavior approach to Anger Management will help participants learn how to make better choices and live life to their optimal ability. Two separate group programs for the specific needs of youth & adults in our substance abuse program.